Swedes’ flight habits carry heavy climate burden

The idea of hopping on a plane and escaping to a warmer locale is incredibly appealing to most people in Sweden, particularly at this time of year.
But a new study from Chalmers University of Technology helps reveal the environmental impact of Swedes’ flying habits, and the figures may just make Swedes rethink their winter jaunt to Thailand.

According to the report, which was commissioned by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Sweden’s aviation emissions are five times higher than the global average. A full 80 percent of those emissions are the result of private trips.

Air travel accounts for around four to five percent of global emissions. As a small country, Sweden is only estimated to account for around one percent of that total. While that might not sound like much in the big picture, the report shows that Swedes’ travel habits have an impact much larger than the country’s size.

Read more at: The Local

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